Our tool helps you convert distance from km to miles. The formula used for this converter is Miles = Kilometers * 0.62137119. The calculator will then display the miles' distance in the miles input field.

Definition of Miles

A mile unit of distance is equal to 1.609 kilometers. It is the most used unit of distance in the United States and United Kingdom. A mile is a versatile unit of distance; it can be used to measure distances between points A to B, road lengths, and more.

What is Kilometer

A kilometer is a unit of length in the International System of Units; one kilometer equals one thousand meters. A kilometer is abbreviated as km. The km is a very convenient unit of length, it is a large number, but it is still easy to be measured.

Tips to use Km to Mi

Enter the distance in kilometers, click the convert button, and double-check the results. These tips & tricks will help you use our km to miles conversion application. To convert km to miles, you can use the following formula: miles = kilometers * 0.621.

KilometersMilesat 50 KPH
1.1 km0.68 mi0.02 hours
1.2 km0.75 mi0.02 hours
1.3 km0.81 mi0.03 hours
1.4 km0.87 mi0.03 hours
1.8 km1.12 mi0.04 hours
1.9 km1.18 mi0.04 hours
3.6 km2.24 mi0.07 hours
37 km22.99 mi0.74 hours
66 km41.01 mi1.32 hours
82 km50.95 mi1.64 hours