Convert Mph to Knots
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Convert Mph to Knots
Miles per hour (mph) is a unit of speed in the imperial system. A knot is a unit of speed used in maritime and aviation, representing one nautical mile per hour. To convert mph to knots, multiply the speed in miles per hour by 0.868976, as 1 mile per hour is approximately equal to 0.868976 knots. This mph to knots converter is very helpful in maritime and aviation navigation, where speeds are commonly used in knots. It helps in converting road vehicle speeds or wind speed into standard units used on ships and aircrafts. This miles per hour to knot conversion is essential for proper communication and safety operations.
Mph to Knots | Mph to Knots |
7 mph to knots = 6.08 | 8 mph to knots = 6.95 |
12 mph to knots = 10.43 | 15 mph to knots = 13.03 |
16 mph to knots = 13.90 | 17 mph to knots = 14.77 |
18 mph to knots = 15.64 | 21 mph to knots = 18.25 |
22 mph to knots = 19.11 | 23 mph to knots = 19.98 |
24 mph to knots = 20.85 | 25 mph to knots = 21.72 |
26 mph to knots = 22.59 | 27 mph to knots = 23.45 |
29 mph to knots = 25.19 | 33 mph to knots = 28.67 |
35 mph to knots = 30.41 | 36 mph to knots = 31.28 |
37 mph to knots = 32.15 | 38 mph to knots = 33.02 |
39 mph to knots = 33.89 | 41 mph to knots = 35.63 |
45 mph to knots = 39.10 | 47 mph to knots = 40.84 |
Frequently Asked Questions
30 knots is approximately 34.5 miles per hour.
Yes, a boat can reach 100 knots with specialized design and engine.
50 knots is approximately 57.5 miles per hour.
The maximum wind speed for a cyclone can exceed 200 mph (322 km/h).