Convert Mph to Kph

The tool that helps you convert speed from (MPH) to kilometer per hour (KPH). one mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

KPH = MPH × 1.60934
Example 1

To convert 60
60×1.60934 = 96.56 KPH

Example 2

To convert 45
45 × 1.60934 = 72.42 KPH

This tool is very helpful in international travel, automotive industry and trip planning, where vehicle performance and speed limits need to be measured in KPH rather than MPH. Conversion also helps in measuring vehicle specifications in metric units.

16 mph25.75 kph
20 mph32.19 kph
40 mph64.37 kph
45 mph72.42 kph
50 mph80.47 kph
52 mph83.69 kph
55 mph88.51 kph
65 mph104.61 kph
70 mph112.65 kph
75 mph120.70 kph