Convert Bps to Mbps

Need to convert bits per second (bps) to megabits per second (Mbps)? This is the right place. Our bps to Mbps converter can help you make quick and accurate conversions. Simply enter the number of bits per second, and you'll get the equivalent in megabits per second instantly!

Bits per Second (Bps)Megabits per Second (Mbps)
1 Bps0.000001 Mbps
20,000 Bps0.020000 Mbps
1.5 Bps0.000002 Mbps
250 Bps0.000250 Mbps
100 Bps0.000100 Mbps
300 Bps0.000300 Mbps
1,000 Bps0.001000 Mbps
35,000 Bps0.035000 Mbps
10,000 Bps0.010000 Mbps
37,000 Bps0.037000 Mbps
1,000,000 Bps1.000000 Mbps