Our age as on date calculator with the date of birth is an easy-to-use tool that can help you figure out your exact age accurately. You can use calculator with the date of birth tool to determine your age in days, hours, or even seconds. Age as on the calculator is easy to use, accurate results, free to use, and shareable.

How is Age Calculated?

Age is determined by adding the years, months, and days since birth. Leap years and months with 31 days are all taken into account. So, you can expect a very exact age calculation down to the number of days.
An age as of date calculator is a tool for calculating a person's age as of a specific date. This can be important for establishing eligibility for benefits, calculating insurance premiums, or simply tracking one's age over time. The result is one table that shows your current age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds.

How our calculator is show the result

The person's actual age may be slightly different because of things like leap years and differences in how long each month is. Enter your birthdate in the designated field (MM/DD/YYYY). Click the "Calculate" button. View your age in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Share your results on social media or with friends and family. You may use our age as a date calculator without signing up or downloading anything.
For finding ages, it is always accessible. That was very simple and helpful. Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries or comments about the calculator with date of birth.

Example Result:

  • Age = 46 years
  • Born on: Sat Jul 04 1998
  • Age on: Fri Mar 03 2045
  • Exact age in different time units:
    • 46 years 7 months 27 days
    • 567 months 27 days
    • 2432 weeks 6 days
    • 17027 days
    • = 408648 hours
    • = 24518880 minutes
    • = 1471132800 seconds
  • 123 days till next birthday or anniversary
  • Fri Jul 04 2025

Number of Days in a Month

  • January - 31 days
  • February - 28 days in a regular year
  • February - 29 days in a leap year
  • March - 31 days
  • April - 30 days
  • May - 31 days
  • June - 30 days
  • July - 31 days
  • August - 31 days
  • September - 30 days
  • October - 31 days
  • November - 30 days
  • December - 31 days