Convert Cups to Grams

Our conversion tool is perfect for all your conversion requirements. Our calculator simplifies this process of converting cups to grams.
It is perfect whether you are experimenting with ingredients, quality control. Say bye to kitchen chaos and hello to exact measurements. Why should you choose our converter? It’s your one-stop shop for simple and fast conversions.
Explore our converters for various conversions that will make your life easier. We got you covered for everything from DIY projects to finance.

Cups (c)Grams (g)
1 c128.00 g
2 c256.00 g
3 c384.00 g
4 c512.00 g
5 c640.00 g
6 c768.00 g
7 c896.00 g
8 c1024.00 g
9 c1152.00 g
10 c1280.00 g