Convert Cups to Ounces

Our converter is a perfect tool for anyone looking to convert between these two common fluid measurements. Out conversion tool is easy, accurate and free to use. It is perfect for various uses such as cooking, baking, measuring drinks.
So next time you need to convert be sure to use our conversion tool!. Our calculator is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to convert between these two fluid measurements. In addition to our converter we also offer a variety of other calculators that can be useful for a variety of tasks.

Cups (c)Ounces (oz)
1.25 c10.000 oz
1.5 c12.000 oz
1.75 c14.000 oz
3.5 c28.000 oz
4 c32.000 oz
4.5 c36.000 oz
5 c40.000 oz
6 c48.000 oz
7 c56.000 oz
8 c64.000 oz