Convert Pints to Ml

Our easy-to-use tool provides accurate conversions for your food recipes, beverages and more.
Our calculator can help you adapt any recipe in the world, measure liquids, or simply learn about volume metric systems.

Pints (pt)Milliliters (mL)
1 pt473.176 mL
2 pt946.352 mL
3 pt1419.528 mL
4 pt1892.704 mL
5 pt2365.880 mL
6 pt2839.056 mL
7 pt3312.232 mL
8 pt3785.408 mL
9 pt4258.584 mL
10 pt4731.760 mL
11 pt5204.936 mL
12 pt5678.112 mL
13 pt6151.288 mL
14 pt6624.464 mL
15 pt7097.640 mL