Convert Celsius to Kelvin
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Convert Celsius to Kelvin
Enter the temperature in Celsius, and our simple user-free converter will do the rest. You will get your kelvin values in seconds. Just enter °C, and our calculator will do the rest. We also have other converters that can convert other temperature values
Definition of Kelvin
Kelvin or K is the base unit of thermodynamic temperature in the International System of Units (SI). 0 K is an absolute “0,” which means the coldest possible temperature. A change of 1 Kelvin is the same as a change of 1 degree Celsius.
Definition of Celsius
Celsius (°C) is a temperature scale based on the freezing point (0°C) of the water and boiling point of the water (100°C). Celsius is the official temperature scale in most countries, including Canada, Europe, and many parts of Asia.
How to use this App
Open the converter, enter the value in °C, and tap the converter button. The temperature in kelvin will be displayed. The formula for converting °C to K is K = °C + 273.15. Zero kelvin is absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature.
Celsius (°C) | Kelvin (K) |
18 °C | 291.15 K |
19.4 °C | 292.55 K |
20 °C | 293.15 K |
21 °C | 294.15 K |
22 °C | 295.15 K |
24 °C | 297.15 K |
25 °C | 298.15 K |
27 °C | 300.15 K |
28 °C | 301.15 K |
32 °C | 305.15 K |
Frequently Asked Questions
For Celsius to Kelvin conversion, add 273.15. For example, 20 degrees Celsius is equal to 293.15 Kelvin. Here is the formula: K = °C + 273.15. Where: K is the temperature in Kelvin. °C is the temperature in Celsius.
No, 1 degree Celsius or °C is not equal to 273 Kelvin or K. 0 degrees Celsius equals 273 Kelvin. Every degree Celsius is equal to 1-degree Kelvin, but the zero points are different.
0°C equals 273.15 K. The Kelvin scale is based on zero, meaning 0 K is the lowest possible temperature. 0 K is equal to -273.15 °C. So, 0°C is just 273.15 degrees above absolute zero.
K = °C + 273.15. Where K is the temperature in Kelvin, and °C is the temperature in Celsius. For example, to convert 20°C to Kelvin, you would do the following: K = 20°C + 273.15 = 293.15 K.