Convert Ounces to Liters
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Convert Ounces to Liters
Do you want to know how to convert ounce to liter? Our easy-to-use ounces to liters conversion calculator can help you do this. Just put in the number of ounces, and our tool will show the results. We also give a conversion table and formula so that you may manually convert ounces to liters.
Definition of Liters
One liter is equal to one cubic decimeter, or 1,000 milliliters, in the metric system. In the International System of Units (SI), it is the basic unit of volume. Liters are usually used to measure liquids, but they can also be used to measure gasses.
Definition of Ounces
One fluid ounce (oz) is equal to 1/16 of a US liquid pint or 1/128 of a US liquid gallon. One fluid ounce is also the same as 29.5735295625 milliliters. Fluid ounces are used to measure the amount of liquid in things like drinks, food, and medicine.
How to Use Our Tool
The ounce and the liter are both volume units, but they are not interchangeable. One ounce is roughly equivalent to 0.02957 liters. This indicates that a liter contains 33.814 fluid ounces. You can use our online converter if you need to convert ounces to liters. Our ounces to liters conversion calculator is a simple and easy-to-use tool that can help you convert ounce to liter. To use the converter, just type the number of ounces into the "Ounces" box. The converter will then find out how many liters that number is.
Ounces (oz) | Liters (L) |
14.0 oz | 0.414 L |
16.0 oz | 0.473 L |
16.9 oz | 0.500 L |
17.0 oz | 0.503 L |
25.0 oz | 0.739 L |
27.0 oz | 0.799 L |
28.0 oz | 0.828 L |
30.0 oz | 0.887 L |
32.0 oz | 0.946 L |
33.0 oz | 0.975 L |
33.8 oz | 1.000 L |
34.0 oz | 1.005 L |
36.0 oz | 1.065 L |
40.0 oz | 1.182 L |
42.0 oz | 1.241 L |
44.0 oz | 1.300 L |
45.0 oz | 1.329 L |
50.0 oz | 1.478 L |
52.0 oz | 1.537 L |
54.0 oz | 1.596 L |
56.0 oz | 1.655 L |
64.0 oz | 1.892 L |