Convert Tablespoons to Cups
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Convert Tablespoons to Cups
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Tablespoons (tbsp) | Cups (c) |
60 tbsp | 3.750000 c |
48 tbsp | 3.000000 c |
11 tbsp | 0.687500 c |
14 tbsp | 0.875000 c |
40 tbsp | 2.500000 c |
30 tbsp | 1.875000 c |
28 tbsp | 1.750000 c |
9 tbsp | 0.562500 c |
24 tbsp | 1.500000 c |
18 tbsp | 1.125000 c |
10 tbsp | 0.625000 c |
32 tbsp | 2.000000 c |
8 tbsp | 0.500000 c |
15 tbsp | 0.937500 c |
7 tbsp | 0.437500 c |
6 tbsp | 0.375000 c |
16 tbsp | 1.000000 c |
20 tbsp | 1.250000 c |
12 tbsp | 0.750000 c |
5 tbsp | 0.312500 c |