Convert Grams to Ounces
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To use our converter, enter the weight in grams in the input field and click on convert.
Our conversion app will automatically calculate the equivalent value in ounces. Our tool is accurate to use, and it's perfect for everyone!
Definition of Ounces
Ounces are the mass unit for imperial and US customary systems. Small items are measured in ounces in the US and the UK. Precious metals are measured with troy oz instead of the more common avoirdupois oz.
Definition of Grams
Weight is often expressed in grams while working within the metric system. Using the SI system, one gram equals one-thousandth of a kilogram. All around the world, people measure their small things in grams.
How to use gms to oz
Type in the gram amount you need to convert. The ounces will be calculated and shown immediately by the convert tool. Select the numbers or decimal places to fine-tune the conversion's accuracy. Entering a value in grams and conversion will return the exact value. Ounces = Grams × CF. The CF is approximately 0.03527396.
Dividing grams by 0.035274 converts grams to oz. If you ever need to convert between grams and ounces, you'll want to use this handy tool.
Grams | Ounces | Pounds + Ounces |
17 g | 0.60 oz | 0 lb 0.60 oz |
34 g | 1.20 oz | 0 lb 1.20 oz |
45 g | 1.59 oz | 0 lb 1.59 oz |
56 g | 1.98 oz | 0 lb 1.98 oz |
75 g | 2.65 oz | 0 lb 2.65 oz |
110 g | 3.88 oz | 0 lb 3.88 oz |
112 g | 3.95 oz | 0 lb 3.95 oz |
130 g | 4.59 oz | 0 lb 4.59 oz |
140 g | 4.94 oz | 0 lb 4.94 oz |
180 g | 6.35 oz | 0 lb 6.35 oz |
225 g | 7.94 oz | 0 lb 7.94 oz |