Make conversion like a breeze. No more fumbling through complex calculations or risking manual errors. Our ensures 100% accuracy of your measurements and also saves you time and money.
Get the conversion right with our user friendly converter and experience the convenience of accurate conversion in a second.

Definition of Kilogram

The kilogram is the fundamental unit of mass in the International System of Units, defined by the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram. Kilograms importance lies in providing a consistent standard for mass measurement, science, engineering, and everyday life.

Definition of Ounce

An ounce is a unit of weight, one oz is equal to 1/16 of a pound or 28.35 grams. Ounce measurement is commonly used in cooking, baking, and for some accurate measurements. Ounce measurement is important for recipes, shipping, research experiments, and reliable outcomes.

How to Use Our App

Using our converter is very simple and efficient! Just put in the value in ounces that you want to convert into kg and click convert. Our converter will display equivalent kilogram values in seconds. No more complex calculation, get accurate conversion in seconds.
Convert effortlessly with our simple formula: Weight (kg) = Weight (oz) / 35.274. Or use our user-friendly converter for fast and 100% conversions, which saves you a lot of time and effort. Choose our converter for error-free calculations in shipping, cooking and more.

Ounces (oz)Kilograms (kg)Kilograms+Grams (kg+g)
10.48 oz0.30 kg0 kg 300.00 g
11 oz0.31 kg0 kg 310.00 g
13 oz0.37 kg0 kg 370.00 g
15 oz0.43 kg0 kg 430.00 g
18 oz0.51 kg0 kg 510.00 g
21 oz0.60 kg0 kg 600.00 g
25 oz0.71 kg0 kg 710.00 g
26 oz0.74 kg0 kg 740.00 g
28 oz0.79 kg0 kg 790.00 g
32 oz0.91 kg0 kg 910.00 g