Knots and mph are both speed units, but they measure speed differently. One nautical mile is equal to 1.852 kilometers or 1.151 miles. To convert, you can use the following formula: mph = knots x 1.15078. To convert, multiply the number by 1.15078.

What is MPH

mph is a unit of speed that measures the distance traveled in one hour. It is the most commonly used to measure speed in the US and UK. mph is a unit of speed for measuring the speed of vehicles such as bikes, cars, and airplanes.

What is Knots speed?

A knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, precisely 1.852 kph or 1.151 mph. The ISO standard symbol for knots is kn. The knot is a traditional unit of speed used for centuries by sailors and navigators.

Here are some tips for using our converter; make sure you know the conversion factor, enter data in the correct field, click the calculate button and double-check the results. These tips help you use a converter.
To convert, you can use the following formula: mph = knots * 1.151. For example; if you have a speed of 10 knots, you have to convert like this; mph = 10 knots * 1.151 = 11.51 mph. That's how we convert!

Knots (kn)Miles per Hour (MPH)Kilometers per Hour (km/h)Feet per Second (ft/s)Meters per Second (m/s)